Moving Objects Along Paths
make these and then tell any object to move to them using the appropriate properties
Waypoint object - just create these using the Add menu.
Using the PropertyEditor, change the names of say 3 waypoints to be "A", "B:,"C" etc. Set Position and Rotation as appropriate.
CurrentWaypointName - text
MovingToWaypoint - checkbox
NextWaypointNames - text
PauseHereForSeconds - number
There are options for time to reach the targeted position TimeToTranslate and time to reach target rotation TimeToRotate - these control how fast the go to that waypoint and how fast it will turn to the target orientation.
SmoothRotation - checkbox
SmoothVelocity - checkbox
TimeIntoWaypointMove - number
TimeToTranslate - number
TimeToRotate - number
The NextWaypointNames property controls which waypoint the object will go to after it reaches the current waypoint. You can easily make a loop by specifying the next waypoint as being the starting waypoint etc.
Moving objects using waypoints
PropertyEditor for a cube object
On all objects there is a MovingToWaypoint checkbox and a CurrentWaypointName field. Set those appropriately and it will move. They can also be controlled by wiring.
TimeIntoWaypointMove - number Does something...
click on this and be transported there and reparented