Non-Spatial Objects

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Revision as of 11:47, 15 January 2022 by Gmeader (talk | contribs) (→‎Teleport)
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These objects are for “programming” making objects interactive.

Logic objects

  • AndGate
  • OrGate
  • NandGate
  • XorGate
  • SimpleSequencer - an object that steps through a number of outputs

Variables objects


  • Value
  • IntegerValue
  • FloatValue
  • BoolValue
  • Vector3fScaler
  • Vector3fValue
  • Euler -= rotation: pitch yaw and roll
  • Material
  • String (for resource locators and text in TextQuads)
  • color3f

Array Objects

A complete set of Arrays of the above, which can be iterated though, presenting a current value to wiring. This enables you to, say, switch the resource locator on a mesh though a set, either from a timer or from a button.

  • IntegerArray
  • FloatArray
  • BoolArray
  • Color3fArray
  • StringArray
  • EulerArray
  • Vector3fArray
  • MaterialArray


A vector is a set of 3 related numbers, typically an X,Y,Z position, or rotation specification. Offset allows adding one vector to another to do something like change the position.

A complete set of offsets – these are dataflow components – wire something like a position and it will present at the output a value offset by the value of the offset. Or they can be use “get” style.

  • IntegerOffset
  • FloatOffset
  • Color3fOffset
  • EulerOffset
  • Vector3fOffset
  • Vector3fRandomOffset


Mux (takes a complex type like Vector3f in input and splits it into 3 values, x, y, z in output) and DeMux, which performs the reverse. Allows you to process just one component of a complex type in wiring, and then turn it back into a vector type >Vector3fMutiplexer - unpacks a vector into 3 individual values

  • EulerMux
  • EulerDemux
  • Color3fMux
  • Color3fDemux
  • Vector3fMux
  • Vector3fDemux


A set of interpolators which “tween” values between two end values (start and end). These exist for things which make sense to tween = Integers, floats, Vector3f, Euler, and Color3f given two vectors,and an amount float that ranges from zero to one, this outputs an altered vector that is interpolated between the two vectors based on the amount.

  • IntegerInterpolator
  • FloatInterpolator
  • Color3fInterpolator
  • EulerInterpolator
  • Vector3fInterpolator

Resource objects

  • Resource
  • Spawner


  • FloatTrigger - fires a message when a float number is equal to another
  • Trigger - fires a message
  • IntegerTrigger- fires a message when an integer number is equal to another
  • ProximityDetector - sends a message when an object gets close to another object


Two variants for random offsets are also implemented. Use these to add noise to movement.

  • Random->RanFloat - random number
  • Random->RanVec3


  • Reparenter
  • Teleport - Contains a destination location, orientation and zone. When its Go method triggered, it moves the user to that destination

There are five properties of the Teleport object that are relevant to where the user will be placed and how their viewpoint will be rotated:

  1. TargetZone
  2. SendRotation
  3. SendPosition
  4. TargetRotation
  • If the TargetZone property has a value (the name of that zone) then we are going to switch to that zone.
  • If SendPosition is true, then when the user arrives in the new zone, the SpawnPosition of that zone is overridden and the user is positioned at the TargetPosition
  • If SendRotation is true, then when the user arrives, the SpawnRotation of that zone is overridden and the users eyes are forced to look in the direction specified by the TargetRotation property.
  • If both SendPosition and SendRotation are false, then the user arrives at the SpawnPosition and SpawnRotation specified in the target zone.

Timer objects

  • OneShotTimer - sends a message after a delay
  • Timer - sends periodic messages


The new controller objects are easier to use – just hook up “controlOut” on a controller/mover to “controlIn” on an object being controller and it will automatically “just work” once you set its running property to true. If you want to go old school and use data flow type wiring to modify the output of a controller (say using offsets) appropriate “output” outputs also exist on the various controllers to wire to things like splitters, interpolators, etc.

  • EllipseMover2 – move things on ellipses
  • RotationContoller2 – controls rotation
  • WaypointMover2 – moves things around on waypoints, replaces previous embedded functionality
  • LookAtController2 – look at things – ie giant eyeballs follow something you drag.
  • ScannerController2 – move things back and forth in a line
  • SineController2 – move things on Sine waves (with adjustable phase – so can do Sin, Cos or anything between)


  • EdgeDebugger – wire something like positionChanged output to this and observe the values on the wire using the PropertyEditor – it adds values for the values inside the parameter node