Storage of Content
The .clData/Users/<username> folder in your Windows home directory contains the data for each zone in a subfolder named after the zone. You will find a whole filesystem in there with folders that may be replicated (synced) from the server.
Each zone subfolder contains the files that define a zone:
.clo files ("Constructive Labs Object") - contain JSON text data - typically describing all of the objects in a zone. If you put that file into an online JSON pretty-printer you can read the content for the zone. Properties which do not deviate from the default are not included - just overridden properties are included in the clo file.
The .dae or .fbx or .glb files contain 3D model geometry. .dae files are a COLLADA XML file. .glb are glTF binary files. They may reference textures, in other .jpg and .png files.
Texture files may also be stored in a tex subfolder.
Here’s a useful tool to inspect .dae files:
You can inspect other 3D model files by clicking on the file in WindowsExplorer - the Windows 3D Viewer app will display them.
Next: Sharing_Your_Zone