Animated Objects

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Animated objects (Entity) are like Mesh objects with additional properties that enable animations that are embedded in a model to be played and controlled. To create an animated model see: Creating_Animated_Models_in Cinema4D

Use an Entity object to add an animated mesh object to a zone. You will assign a Resource Locator that is the name/path to a gltf or .glb file that contains a model with embedded animation to the Entity object.

Animations created on the Mixamo website and downloaded as a FBX (.fbx) file also work.

1. Create a new object Visual-> Entity

2. Set the Resource Locator using the resourcelocator field in the Property Editor (click the Browse button to find the animated .gltf or .glb or .fbx file on your disk.)

Multiple Animations

An Entity can have a model assigned to it that contains more than one animation. Wiring can control which animation is playing, as well as stop and play.

To create such a model, use the website to rig and get animations.

  1. Upload your model to Mixamo and rig it there.
  2. Download the rigged model in Tpose as an FBX model
  3. In Mixamo, choose an animation for your model, and download the animation (without skin) as FBX
  4. Do this for other Mixamo animations. so that you end up with a Tpose FBX model file and several animation FBX files.
  5. Go to
  6. Do Upload File with Character uploading the Tpose FBX file
  7. Upload Animations
  8. Click the EXPORT GLB button to download your file

The .glb file will be downloaded. Move it into your zone folder (in .cldata/Users/'yourname'/'YourZone')

set the ResourceLocator Property for the Entity to point to this file

When wiring to this Entity, you will see all the animations listed in the Input menu under Animations

Next: Adding_a_Light